Robotics Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Robotics terminology and jargon:



TEESThe Education Expert System
TISCHTangible Interaction Surfaces for Collaboration between Humans
TORSTrans-Oral Robotic Surgery
TORSTrans Oral Robotic Surgery
TORSTransoral robotic surgery
TPRGThe Perception and Robotics Group
TRATacoma Robotics Alliance
TRACIThe Robotic Apparatus of Canine Intelligence
TRCTennessee Robotics Club
TRECTerrestrial Robotics Engineering and Controls
TRGThe Robotics Group
TRIBETaking Robotics Into Bolder Experiences
TRINATele Robotic Intelligent Nursing Assistant
TRTTeleoperation Robotic Testbed
UEUber Eats
URATUSNO Robotic Astrometric Telescope
URBIUniversal Robotic Body Interface
URPUAV and Robotics Platform
UWRTUniversity of Waterloo Robotics Team
UWRTThe Underwater Robotics Team
VAMRVision Algorithms for Mobile Robotics
VRCVex Robotics Competition
VRRMVirtual Reality and Robotics in Medicine
WARPWest Ashley Robotics Program
WGRBWorking Group on Robotic Brachytherapy
