Schools Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Schools terminology and jargon:



WVJHWest Valley Junior High
WVJHSWest Valley Junior High School
WVMSWelsh Valley Middle School
WVMSWillow Valley Middle School
WVMSWest Valley Middle School
WVMSWalton Verona Middle School
WVSWisconsin Virtual School
WVSWarren Village School
WVSAWest Virginia School for the Blind
WVSDBWest Virginia Schools for the Deaf and Blind
WVSSWest Vancouver Secondary School
WVSSWairau Valley Special School
WVWWyoming Valley West High School
WWWrong Word
WWAWoodrow Wilson Academy
WWASWaverley Woollahra Art School
WWBSWichai Wittaya Bilingual School
WWCAWest Woods Christian Academy
WWESWoodrow Wilson Elementary School
WWGSWiberg Wisconsin Goalkeeper School
WWGSWorld Wise Global Schools
WWGSWorld Wide Goaltending Schools
WWHSWoodrow Wilson High School
WWHSWalt Whitman High School
WWHSWeeki Wachee High School
