Science Fiction Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Science Fiction terminology and jargon:



TSFPTime Splitters Future Perfect
TSFUThe Science Fiction Union
TSTDThe Star Trek Discovery
TSWThe Secret World
TTTeen Titans
TTCThe TTC Conglomerate
TTETime Traveling Echidna
TTFNTerran Transolor Federation Navy
TTFUThe Thing From Uranus
TTTThought Transponder Thingy
TTYCThe Thousand Year Curse
TUTerror United
TUAThe Unicorn Academy
TUGThe Ultimate Goddess
TURDTimed Universal Rearward Destroyer
TVTime Vaporizer
TWTime Warp
TWDThe Walking Dead
TWMFThe Wise Man's Fear
TWOThugs World Order
TWOPTroll West Oil Province
TWTTriwizard Tournament
TZTwilight Zone
TZCThe Zodiac Clique
TZCTriangle Z Club
