Scottish Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Scottish terminology and jargon:



SWAPScottish Wider Access Programme
SWAPScottish Women Against Pornography
SWFAScottish Welfare Football Association
SWIPScottish Widows Investment Partnership
SWNIScotland Wales and Northern Ireland
SWPLScottish Women's Premier League
SYFAScottish Youth Football Association
SYGCScotland Yard Gospel Choir
SYHAScottish Youth Hostels Association
TEKTraditional Ecological Knowledge
THTSTerrence Higgins Trust Scotland
TMFSTransport Model for Scotland
TSDCThe Scottish Deer Centre
TTISTrauma Training in Scotland
UCOSUnited Cereals Of Scotland
USCOUnited Scottish Clans of Oklahoma
VASVoluntary Action Scotland
VASVisual Arts Scotland
VIASValues Into Action Scotland
VSCDValley Scottish Country Dancers
WHSSWorking Health Services Scotland
WISEWales Ireland Scotland And England
WSSSOWest of Scotland Schools Symphony Orchestra
WSWAFWest of Scotland Wider Access Forum
