Scottish Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Scottish terminology and jargon:



RFSRichmond Fellowship Scotland
RIASRoyal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland
RMSARocky Mountain Scottish Athletes
RPCSReformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland
RSACRoyal Scottish Automobile Club
RSGSRoyal Scottish Geographical Society
RSNORoyal Scottish National Orchestra
RSPBARoyal Scottish Pipe Band Association
RSSARoyal Scottish Society of Arts
RZSSRoyal Zoological Society of Scotland
SAABSScottish Action Against Blood Sports
SABCScottish Association of Boys' Clubs
SACScottish Arts Council
SACScottish Automobile Club
SACCScotland Against Criminalising Communities
SAFAScottish Amateur Football Association
SAFASScottish Association of Flower Arrangement Societies
SAFRScottish Action For Refugees
SAIScottish Agricultural Institute
SAICScottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre
SAMBScottish Association of Master Bakers
SAMCScottish Advanced Manufacturing Centre
SAPUScottish Antibody Production Unit
SAQPScottish Awards for Quality in Planning
SASScottish And Sweet
