Slang Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Slang terminology and jargon:



DNCDominion's Nasty Corruption
DNFDream Not Found
DNHGDeez Nuts, Hah, Gottem
DOHODough - hoe
DPGDog Pecker Gnat
DRPSDelayed Response to Previous Subject
DSDog Sh*t
DSMPDream Survival Multiplayer
DSMSMRDon't See Me See My Relief
DSPDitto Same Pinch
DTFDown To F***
DTFDown The Front
DTFMDo To F*cking Much
DTFODash The F*** On
DTNFDown To Not F***
DUECERepresents the number “2”, therefore if someone said “Double Duece” than that is slang for “22”
DWACDad With A Camera
DXPEit's Actually a SLANG which is dedicated to phonies
DYFTDid You Feel That
DYMCDon't Yank My Chain
DYWFDo You Wanna F***
DYWMTCSYDTUNIMMDo You Want Me To Come S**k Your D*** 'Till You N*t In My Mouth?
EBBHEh Bruh Bro How
EBGTEverything But The Girl
EBKEastside Blood Killer
