Slang Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Slang terminology and jargon:



FMOBF*** my old boots slang declaration of extreme surprise!
FNGFinna Nut Gang
FOADAF*** Off And Die A**hole
FOMPF*** Off My Page
FOPFashion Obsessed Prick
FOPF*** Off Patrol
FORDF***ing Owners Really Dumb
FOSEAnother way of saying supposed to do something. I was fose to do that today
FRFor Reference
FRF***, Really?
FRBJit stands for F*** RATTHEW BROWN JR
FTIFree To Interact
FTMF*** The Matrix
FTPF*** Tha Police
FTROF*** The Right Off
FTSF*** This Sh*t
FTWOFull Throttle Wide Open
FUF*** you
FUACF***ed Up A** Conditions
FUBARDF***ed Up Beyond All Recognisable Detail
FUCKFailing to Understand the Capacity of Kindness
FUNF***** Up Nonsense
FUOFOFace Up Or F*** Off
FWKBFriends With Kinky Benefits
