Slang Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Slang terminology and jargon:



10-35CB Lingo: 10-35 this is confidential information
10-36CB Lingo: 10-36 The correct Time is _____
10-38CB Lingo: 10-38 Ambulance needed at _____
10-39CB Lingo: 10-39 Your message delivered
10-41CB Lingo: 10-41 change the channel to …
10-42CB Lingo: 10-42 traffic accident a …
10-43CB Lingo: 10-43 Traffic tie-up at _____
10-44CB Lingo: 10-44 I have a message for you (or ____)
10-45CB Lingo: 10-45 all units within range please report
10-5CB Lingo: 10-5 means relay the message.
10-50CB Lingo: 10-50 Break Channel
10-6CB Lingo: 10-6 I'm busy (sort of like BRB (be right back))
10-6210-62 unable to copy, please use a phone
10-62slCB Lingo: 10-62sl Unable to copy on AM, use Sideband Lower (not an official code)
10-62suCB Lingo: 10-62su Unable to copy on AM, use Sideband Upper (not an official code)
10-65CB Lingo: 10-65 awaiting my next assignment
10-67CB Lingo: 10-67 all units: comply
10-7CB Lingo: 10-7 I am out of service or leaving the air.
10-70CB Lingo: 10-70 Fire at _____
10-73CB Lingo: 10-73 Speed Trap at _____
10-75CB Lingo: You are causing interference
10-77CB Lingo: 10-77 Negative Contact
10-810-8 someone is on the way
10-8410-84 My telephone number is ____
10-85CB Lingo: 10-85 My address is _____
