Slang Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Slang terminology and jargon:



TRASHTaking Random A** Sh*t Home
TROONTransgender Goon
TTFATry The F*** Again
TTFSTime To F*** Somebody
TTIDThis Time It's Different
TTMTTalk To Me Tomorrow
TTTOTurn This Thang Out
TWAAPTwo Wheels And A Ponytail
TWIRLKTwirl & Twerk
TWPTit Wank Potential
TWYTool Wad Yang
TYBThe Young Boy
UBCYou Bring Cash
UCHIHAUpset Chicken Headed Insignificant Hard A**
UGHUsed to express disappointment and disgust
UHNUh, no.
UMBROUgly Manky Big Rotten Oaxter
URSTUnReleased Sexual Tension
URTYou Are Trash
USREUber Style Religious Education
VANKYVanky is a slang word meaning beautiful, blessed one. Vànky is actually a surname (last name) of Slavic origin.
VFDVery Friendly Dude
VIVA STREETCheap brothel
WAABWeak As A B*tch
