Texting Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Texting terminology and jargon:



IMUI Miss You
IMVUInstant Messenger of Virtual You
IMYI Miss You
IMYAI Miss You Already
IMYTI Miss You Too
Inb4In Before
INBOWIf No Better Or Worse
INREIN REgards to ....
INREFIN REFerence to ....
INSI'm Not Sure
IOIn Order ....
IOIn Our
IOHOIn Our Humble Opinion
IONItem Of Note
IOWIn Other Words, ....
IOYI Owe You
IPMIce Patrol Man
IRCCI Really Couldn't Care
IRDCI Really Don't Care
IRDCI Really Do Care
IRLIt's Ridiculously Lame
IRSIt Really Stinks
IRTIn Regard To
IRTIn Regards To

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