Texting Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Texting terminology and jargon:



WIANWhat's In A Name
WIBWe're In Between
WIBBIWouldn't It Be Better If ....
WIBNWouldn't It Be Nice
WIBNIWouldn't It Be Nice If
WICYWhen I'm Calling You
WIGHWhen I Get Home
WIGIGWhen It's Gone It's Gone
WIGOWhat Is Going On
WIIWhat's In it
WIICWhatever It Is Called
WIIFMWhat's In It For Me?
WILCOWill Comply
WILFWhat I'm Looking For
WILFWhat I'm Looking For
WIMWhere Is My .... ?
WIMREWenn Ich Mich Richtig Erinnere
WIRMIWhat I Really Mean Is . . . .
WISWork In Sorrow
WISKWords I Should Know
WITWhat I Think
WIT?What Is This?
WITDWhat Is The Deal?
WITGWho Is This Guy?

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