Software Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Software terminology and jargon:



ADODCADO Data Control
ADPAcyclic Depencies Principe
ADPAuto Delivery Program
ADPAvery Design Pro
ADPMAdvanced Dynamic Program Management
ADRAdvanced Digital Recording
ADRAustralian Design Rules
ADRGArc Digitized Raster Graphics
ADsArchitectural decisions
ADSAnalytic Data Set
ADSApplied Digital Solution
ADSARM Developer Suite
ADSAutocad Development System
ADSApplication Development System
ADSAAdvanced Database Systems and Applications
ADSEAdvanced Diploma in Software Engineering
ADSMAdstar Distributed Storage Manager
ADSMNAdvertising & Digitized Solutions for Marketing & Networking
ADSSApplication Development and Support Services
ADTAndroid Development Tools
ADTActive Directory Tools
ADTArray Display Tool
ADTAminet Download Tool
ADVORAdvanced Onion Router
