Software Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Software terminology and jargon:



AAAAutomated Atlantis Assistants
AACAdvanced Audio Coding
AACAdvanced Audio Compression
AACAdvance Audio Coding
AACTSArthur Andersen Corporate Tax Software
AACTSAutomatic Analog Circuit Test Strategist
AADApplication Architecture Design
AAIPApproaches and Applications of Inductive Programming
AAISAssignment Activation And Inventory Services
AAKAssembly Add-on Kit
AAMPAggressive Advantage of Multiple Processors
AAOSAAdaptive Agent Oriented Software Architecture
AAPPATOVS And AVHRR Processing Package
AASDApplied Agile Software Development
AASEAdvanced Associate Software Engineer
AASEAlternative Associate Software Engineer
AASMAdaptive Algorithm Selection Method
AATApplication Assembly Tool
AAWSAdmission Applications Web Services
ABApplication Bridge
ABApache Bench
ABAAlways Be Automating
ABACAdaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding
ABAPAdvanced Business Application Programming
ABAPAdvances Business Application Programming
