Software Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Software terminology and jargon:



PCNLPrompt Constrained Natural Language
PCOPortal Configuration Object
PCOSProfessional Computer Operating System
PCPPattern Classification Program
PCPParacel Clustering Package
PCPPPractical Concurrent and Parallel Programming
PCQPersonal Computing Quest
PCRPen Character Recognition
PCRPeoplesoft CRM Replicator
PCREPerl Compatible Regular Expression
PCREPerl Compatible Regular Expressions
PCSPicture Coding Scheme
PCSProcedure Coding System
PCSProcedural Coding System
PCSPicture Coding Symposium
PCSProduct Configuration Software
PCSPopular Coding System
PCSProcess Control Software
PCSJPicture Coding Symposium of Japan
PCSSPaid Closed Source Software
PDPlatform Dependent
PDPath Difference
PDPine Download
PDAPush Down Automata
PDACPricing Data Analysis and Coding
