Sports Acronyms

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Sports terminology and jargon:



WWUKWindsurfing Women United Kingdom
WWVCWhole Wheel Velo Club
WWWWe Will Win
WWWAWeekly Watchers of Wonderful Anime
WWWAWestern Wisconsin Wild Bunch
WWWPWomen's Western Water Polo
WWWPCWomen's Western Water Polo Championship
WWYWest Wichita YMCA
WWYWalla Walla YMCA
WWYBWest Wichita YMCA Barracudas
WWYCWorld Wide Young Contesters
WXBAWorld Experimental Blowgun Association
WXCWomen's Cross Country
WXGWinter X Games
WXLWorld Xiangqi League
WXPThe Whole Experience
WXSWrestlemania Xtreme Simulation
WXSFWrestlemania Xtreme Simulation Federation
WYAAWhile You Are Ahead
WYATTWinchester's Young Adventurous Targetshooting Teen
WYBWatch Your Back
WYCWorld Youth Championships
WYFLWestchester Youth Footbal League
WYFLWashingtonville Youth Footbal League
WYGCWorld Youth Goe Championship
