Support Groups Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Support Groups terminology and jargon:



PFLAGParents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
PGPOPerdana Global Peace Organisation
PHSGPerth Homeless Support Group
PLSGPet Loss Support Group
PPPRSwedish People Participating in Poverty Reduction
PPSAZPlanned Parenthood of Southern Arizona
PPSGPEAK Parents Support Group
PPSGPost Polio Support Group
PPSUProvincial Program Support Unit (Canada)
PRGPressure Relief Group
PSNPersons with Specific Needs
PSSGParents School Support Group
PSSGPolice Strategic Support Group
PSSGPlanning Systems Support Group
PSSGParent School Support Group
PSSGPsycho Social Support Group
PTNAPituitary Tumor Network Association
QSGQuality Support Group
RAINNRape, Abuse and Incest National Network
RASGResearch Administration Support Group
RDDCRed Deer Dream Centre
ROWRights Of Women
RPAGRepublican Prisoners Action Group (Ireland)
RPSGRenal Patient Support Group
RTRGRetail Technology Resources Group
