Technology Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Technology terminology and jargon:



AIBTAdelaide Institute of Business Technology
AIBTAustralian Institute of Business and Technology
AIBTArizona Institute of Business and Technology
AIBTAustralia Institute of Business and Technology
AIBTAdelaide Institute of Business and Technology
AICTApplication of Information and Communication Technologies
AICTAssociation for Information Communications Technology
AICTAdvanced Information and Communications Technologies
AICTAdvanced Information and Communication Technologies
AICTApplying Information and Communication Technology
AICTAdvanced Intelligent Construction Technology
AICTUAgricultural Information and Communication Technology Unit
AIFSTAustralian Institute of Food Science and Technology
AIITAsian Intelligent Information Technology
AIITAmity Institute of Information Technology
AIITAdvanced Integrated Industrial Technology
AIITAdvanced Institute Of Industrial Technology
AIITAll India Institute of Technology
AIITAMA International Institute of Technology
AIITAll India Information Technology
AIITAustralian Institute of Innovation and Technology
AIITAdarsha Institute of Information Technology
AIITAfrica Institute of Information Technology
AIITAustralian International Institute of Technology
AIITMAll India Institute of Technology and Management
