Technology Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Technology terminology and jargon:



ACTIVAssociation of Cardiac Technology In Victoria
ACTLAiken County Technology Laboratory
ACTMAssociation for Communications Technology Management
ACTMCArts, Crafts & Technology Micro-manufacturing Centre
ACTMESSAlways Connected Technologies Mobile Emergency Support Systems
ACTPAutomated Control Technology Partners
ACTPAustrian Construction Technology Platform
ACTTAdvanced Certifications and Training for Technology
ACTTAdvanced Corrosion Technologies and Training
ACTUAccess to Communication Technology Unit
AD DSActive Directory Domain Server
ADACTAssociate Degree in Artchitecture Construction Technology
ADAPTApplication Design for Analytical Processing Technologies
ADAPTAssociate Development And Performance Tracker
ADATAbu Dhabi Aircraft Technologies
ADATAir Defense Advanced Technology
ADCETAnnasaheb Dange College of Engineering & Technology
ADCETAnnasaheb Dange College of Engineering and Technology
ADCETAnnasaheb Dange College of Engineering Technology
ADCSTAdvanced Diploma in Computer Software Technology
ADDAttrribute-Driven Design
ADETAdvanced Drivetrain Engineering Technology
ADFTAdvance Diploma in Food Technology
ADITAdvanced Diploma in Information Technology
ADLTAdvanced Discriminating LADAR Technology
