Telecom Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Telecom terminology and jargon:



WSPWireless Signal Processor
WTWireless Telephony
WTAWestern Telecommunications Alliance
WTAWireless Telephony Applications
WTAWataniya Telecom Algerie
WTAWireless Telephony Application
WTAIWireless Telephony Applications Interface
WTAIWireless Telephony Application Interface
WTCWireless Topic Center
WTCDWorld Telephone Card Databank
WTCPWireless Transport Control Protocol
WTDCWorld Telecommunications Development Conference
WTDCWorld Telecommunication Development Conferences
WTDC 2002World Telecom Development Conference 2002
WTDC 2003World Telecom Development Conference 2003
WTDC 98World Telecom Development Conference 1998
WTDMWideband Time Division Multiplexing
WTELWireless TELephony
WTFWireless Telecommunications Facility
WTFBWorld Telecoms Financial Benchmarks
WTFPWireless Telecommunication Facilities Permit
WTIAWireless Technology Industry Association
WTIDWorld TELECOM Internet Day
WTISWireless Telecommunications Information & Services
