Telecom Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Telecom terminology and jargon:



ACDApex Collaborative Dialing
ACEAdaptive Communication Environment
ACFAccess Coordination Function
ACFAdvanced Communications Facility
ACFQAbsence Compensation Fair Queuing
ACGAccess Control Gateway
ACHTAverage Call Holding Time
ACHTAverage Call Handling Time
ACISAndy Charles Ians System solid modelling geometric engine
ACLAverage Call Length
ACLAsynchronous Connection-Less
ACLRAdjacent Channel Leakage Ratio
ACMAddress Complete Message
ACMAAtlantic Cable Maintenance Agreement
ACNAAccess Customer Name Abbreviation
ACOAdditional Call Offering
ACOUAdditional Call Offering Unrestricted
ACPActive Connection Property
ACRAttenuation Crosstalk Ratio
ACRAbandoned Call Rate
ACSAccelerated Change Service
ACTOAssociation of Competitive Telecom Operators
ACTSAutomated Coin Toll System
ACTTActtel Teleconferencing
