Therapeutics Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Therapeutics terminology and jargon:



aaequal quantities of each ingredient
AAMCCAmerican Association for Medical Chronobiology and Chronotherapeutics
AATAdvanced Allergy Therapeutics
AATHAmerican Association for Therapeutic Humor
AATHAssociation of Applied Therapeutic Humor
AATMAlberta Association of Therapeutic Masseurs
ACTArtemisinin-based combination therapies
ACTMAtlantic College of Therapeutic Massage
ACTSActing Creates Therapeutic Success
ADEPTAutonomous Diagnostics to Enable Prevention and Therapeutics
ADEPTAirways Disease Endotyping for Personalized Therapeutics
ADIAutism Diagnostic Interview
ADLActivities of Daily Living
ADOSAutism Diagnostic Observation Schedule
ADTTPAdvanced Developmental Therapeutics Training Program
AECUAmbulatory Emergency Care Unit
AFTECAppalachian Foothills Therapeutic Equestrian Center
AGWBIAdapted General Well-Being Index (psychology)
AHTHAssociation of Holistic and Therapeutic Hypnosis
AIMSAnaesthesia Incident Monitoring Study
AMNTAsheville Massage Natural Therapeutics
AOAAtaxia with oculomotor apraxia
ARCTArcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc
ARCTArcturus Therapeutics
ARCT-021Arcturus Therapeutics 021
