Therapeutics Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Therapeutics terminology and jargon:



MPS IIMucopolysaccharoidosis type II
MPS IIIMucopolysaccharoidosis type III
MRTDMaximum Recommended Therapeutic Dose
MSMultiple sclerosis
MTCMasters in Therapeutic Counselling
MTCMedullary thyroid cancer
MTIGMicrobiome Therapeutics Innovation Group
MTRMaryland Therapeutic Riding
MTSRMolecular Therapeutics Shared Resource
MTTNManitoba Therapeutic Touch Network
MTTPMolecular Therapeutics Training Program
NASNeonatal abstinence syndrome
NCTMNational Center for Therapeutics Manufacturing
NGGTNext Generation Gene Therapeutics
NHIGNormal Human Immunoglobulin
NIDDKNational Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Kidney diseases
NIVNon Invasive Ventilation
NLSNon Linear System
NMTNeurosequential Model of Therapeutics
NSPTNiclosamide Stearate Prodrug Therapeutic
NTAPNeurofibromatosis Therapeutic Acceleration Program
NTEVNon Therapeutic Elective Ventilation
NTIDNarrow Therapeutic Index Drugs
NTRCNaples Therapeutic Riding Center
NTRCNorthland Therapeutic Riding Center
