Trade Associations Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Trade Associations terminology and jargon:



AMEAAssociation of Machinery and Equipment Appraisers
AMPPAssociation for Materials Protection and Performance
AMPTPAlliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers
ANBPAssociation of Natural Biocontrol Producers
AOMAssociation of Ontario Midwives
APPrOAssociation of Power Producers of Ontario
APTAutomatic Positive Thinking™
AQHAAmerican Quarter Horse Association
ARBAAmerican Rabbit Breeders Association
ARCAAlberta Roofing Contractors Association
ARIGAirline Revenue Integrity Group
ARSOAsia Region Suzuki Organization
ASGTAdvancing Sustainable Global Trade
ASM2Alternative Solution Machine
ASSCAssociation of Scottish Self Caterers
ASTAAmerican Seed Trade Association
ASTAAmerican Spice Trade Association
ASVBAsociation of Silicon Valley Brokers
ATAEAutomotive Trade Association Executives
ATANCAAutomotive Trade Association National Capital Area
ATOAssemble To Order
ATSSAAutomotive Transportation Service Superintendents' Association
AttBAtelier to the Bone
AWCIAssociation of the Wall and Ceiling Industry
AWIArchitectural Woodwork Institute
