Transportation Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Transportation terminology and jargon:



PCPolitically Correct
PCPrecious Cargo
PCPassenger Car
PCAPositive Control Airspace
PCAPhysical Configuration Audit
PCAPedestrian Crosswalk Ahead
PCBPortable Concrete Barrier
PCCPortland Cement Concrete
PCCPaver Compacted Concrete
PCCPic Carrying Capacity
PCCPerformance Concept Car
PCCPPortland Cement Concrete Pavement
PCCVPolice Chaos Control Vehicle
PCDPersonal Communication Device
PCEPersonal Consumption Expenditure
PCEPassenger Car Equivalents
PCFPrimary Collision Factor
PCHPacific Coast Highway
PCIPure Custom Imports
PCMSPortable Changeable Message Sign
PCMSHPortable Changeable Message Sign Handbook
PCPPedestrian Cross Passage
PCPTPasco County Public Transportation
PCPWPurchase ParkWay
PCSPersonal Comfort System
