United Nations Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the United Nations terminology and jargon:



WGYPWorking Group For Youth Policies
WHWorld Heroes
WHAWorld Heath Assembly
WHBWild Horses and Burros Programs
WHDWorld Habitat Day
WHEDWorld Higher Education Database
WHESWorld Hunger Education Service
WHLWorld Heritage List
WHNWorld Health Network
WHOWorld Health Organization
WHOWorld Health Association
WHO-PDHWorld Health Organization - Prevention of Deafness and Hearing Impairment
WHO-WPROWorld Health Organization Western Pacific Regional Office
WHOCWorld House Of Commons
WHOPESWorld Health Organization Pesticide Evaluation Scheme
WHPWorker Health Project
WHQWorld Headquarters
WHRWorld Health Report
WHUWorld Homeless Union
WHYWorld Hunger Year
WHYWorld Honorable Youth
WHYFWorld Heritage Youth Forum
WIWorld Impact
WIDWorld Institute on Disability
WIDPWorld Institute for Development and Peace

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