Unclassified Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Unclassified terminology and jargon:



PTVPublic Transport Victoria
PTVProgram for Torture Victims
PTVPeak To Valley
PTVPiston Tare Value
PTVPain To Victory
PTVPlaying The Vibe
PTVPrimary treatment volume
PTVPorsche torque vectoring
PTVProgrammed Temperature Vaporizor
PTVPretty Talking Vibes
PTVPredetermined Time Value
PTVPendulum Test Value
PTVPermitted Treating Veterinarian
PTVPrologues Transitions and Viewpoints
PTVPromote The Vote
PTVPreservation Trust of Vermont
PTVPercutaneous Transluminal Valvuloplasty
PTVParticle Tracking Velocimetry
PTVIPercutaneous Tricuspid Valve Implantation
PTVPPeanut Texturized Vegetable Protein
PTVPPreliminary Test And Verification Procedure
PTVPPrinces Trust Volunteer Program
PTVPPoslednije Tanki V Parizhe
PTVSParticle Tracking Velocimetry Sizing
PTVTPrimary Tube Versus Trabeculectomy

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