Unclassified Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Unclassified terminology and jargon:



PVRPeripheral Vascular Resistance
PVRPlant Variety Rights
PVRProActive Vessel Register
PVRProductivity Versatility and Resiliency
PVRDPioneer Valley Roller Derby
PVRDPine Valley Ranger District
PVRDPleasant Valley Ranger District
PVRDPersonal Video Recording Devices
PVROProject Value Risk And Opportunity
PVROPersonal Violence Restraining Orders
PVROPersonal Violence Restraining Order
PVROProject Versterking Rechtelijke Organisatie
PVROProgramma Versterking Rechterlijke Organisatie
PVROPlant Variety Rights Office
PVRRPreliminary Virtual Reconnaissance Report
PVRRPahrump Valley Rough Riders
PVRRPresent Value Rev Req
PVRRPresent Value of Revenue Requirement
PVRTPenn Verbal Reasoning Test
PVRTProfessional Verbal Reasoning Test
PVRTPeripheral Vision Reaction Times
PVRTPulsed Variable Rotation Transmission
PVRTPurdue Visualization of Rotations Test
PVRTPer Vertex Ray Tracing
PVRUPost Void Residual Urine

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