Unions Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Unions terminology and jargon:



WAMUWest African Monetary Union
WAPOUWestern Australian Prison Officers' Union
WARUWestern Australian Rugby Union
WASUWarren Area Student Union
WATUWe Are The Union
WAWRWorkers' Army of the Welsh Republic
WAWUWaterfront and Allied Workers Union
WAWUWaterfront and Allied Workers' Union
WAWUWestern Academic Workers Union
WBNGWashington-Baltimore Newspaper Guild
WBSUWisconsin Black Student Union
WBUWorld Broadcasting Unions
WCCUWestern Cooperative Credit Union
WCCUWest Cheshire Credit Union
WCCUWesTex Community Credit Union
WCDUWilliams College Debating Union
WCHUWar Cry Heal Union
WCIWWestern Council of International Workers
WCLUWestern Central Labor Union
WCRAWisconsin Court Reporters Association
WCRDWorkers Compensation Review Division
WCTUWoman's Christian Temperance Union
WCTUWomans Christian Temperance Union
WCTUWomens Christian Temperance Union
WCUWorkers Credit Union

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