Unions Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Unions terminology and jargon:



WFTUWorld Federation of Trade Unions
WFUWorld Ferret Union
WFWWomen for Women
WFWAWestern Farmers Workers Association
WGAEWriters Guild of America East
WGAWWriters Guild of America West
WGCSWimbledon Guild Counselling Service
WGLIWork Guidelines for Labour Inspectors
WHPUWelsh Homing Pigeon Union
WIAIWorkers Independent Association of Iran
WIIUWorkers International Industrial Union
WIIUWorkers' International Industrial Union
WITBNWorld Indigenous Television Broadcasters Network
WITUWindward Islands Teachers Union
WIUAWorkers Industrial Union of Australia
WLCUWorld Lebanese Cultural Union
WLMCWastewater Labor Management Committee
WLMCWisconsin Labor Management Council
WMKWorkers' Movement in Kazakhstan
WMUWomens Missionary Union
WMUWomans Missionary Union
WMUWorld Maritime Union
WNLAWitwatersrand Native Labour Association
WNUWestern Newspaper Union
WOBTWestern Oklahoma Building & Construction Trade Unions

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