Unions Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Unions terminology and jargon:



AFSCMEAmerican Federation of State County and Municipal Employees
AFTAmerican Federation of Teachers
AFTRAAmerican Federation of Television and Radio Artists
AFULEAustralian Federated Union of Locomotive Employees
AGBUArmenian General Benevolent Union
AGCUAssemblies of God Credit Union
AGEAssociated Government Employees
AGELAlliance of Graduate Employee Locals
AGEUSAnnual Georgia European Union Summit
AGSEMAssociation of Graduate Students Employed at McGill
AGUAsian Gymnastics Union
AHUArizona Hockey Union
AICBAll India Confederation Of The Blind
AICBAssociate, Institute of Canadian Bankers
AICTUAll India Centre of Trade Unions
AICTUAll India Centre for Trade Unions
AICTUAll India Central Trade Union
AIDUAmiri International Development Union
AIEUAustralian Insurance Employees Union
AIMSUAll Idu Mishmi Students Union
AIPUArab Inter parliamentary Union
AIRAttended Intermediate Representation
AISUAmerican Indian Student Union
AITUAlliance of Independent Telephone Unions
AITUCAll India Trade Union Congress

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