US Government Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the US Government terminology and jargon:



WRPWater Resources Planning
WRPEWetland Reserve Program Easement
WRPMWater Resources Planning and Management
WRPOWetland Restoration Plan of Operations
WRPTWork Report
WRPUWildlife Resource Protection Unit
WRRWelfare Reform Research
WRRWorld Radiometric Reference
WRRDBWelfare Reform Research DataBase
WRRPWatershed Risk Reduction Program
WRRPWater Resources Restoration Program
WRSWorldwide Reference System
WRSCWestern Region Science Center
WRSFWater Resources Strategy Formulation
WRSSWrangell - St. Elias National Park and Preserve ( National Park Service)
WRTWelfare Research Team
WRTFWebsite Redevelopment Task Force
WRTFWelfare Reform Task Force
WRUWater Resources Unit
WRWWelfare Reform Watch
WRWPWelfare Reform Watch Program
WSAGWater Supply Assistance Grant
WSBWage Stabilization Board
WSBGWHEDA Small Business Guarantee
WSBPWomen's Small Business Program
