Veterinary Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Veterinary terminology and jargon:



TDVCTibor Dipold Veterinary Clinic
TEVATexas Equine Veterinary Association
TFATenant Farmers Association
THCTotal Horse Care
THEThe Humane Environment
TIGERTailored Interactive Guidance on Employment Rights (resource of the Department of Trade and Industry)
TLCThree Legged Cat
TLCTiger Loving Care
TMAHTerrell Mill Animal Hospital
TMCThe Milkbone Club
TMMSNTexas Marine Mammal Stranding Network
TNTrigeminal Neuralgia
TNAVCThe North American Veterinary Conference
TNBVDVCThematic Network on Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus Control
TNTToeNail Trim
TPTop Parrot
TRCGThoroughbred Research Consultative Group (of the Veterinary Advisory Committee of the Horserace Betting Levy Board)
TRPRCTulane Regional Primate Research Center
TSTeratology Society
TSPTeam Sick Puppy
TSVCThe Scottsdale Veterinary Clinic
TSVSTexas Specialty Veterinary Services
TTTThe Tortoise Trust
TURTwo Unfolding Regions
TVCThe Veterinary Cooperative
