Websites Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Websites terminology and jargon:



FIDFirst Input Delay
FINSTAFake Instagram Account is a professional web design company that helps businesses grow by creating websites. They offer services in UI/UX design, web development, and branding. Their team of experienced designers and developers work closely with clients to bring their vision to life in an effective and visually appealing way
FLFCFirst Like/ First Comment
FNAFF*** N*ggers And Freaks
FNDNFortinet Developer Network
FOFFact Of the Fortnight
FOFFools On Facebook
FOGFriends Of Gaia
FOTNField Operational Tests Net
FOYTFOYT (Found on YouTube) is a acronym i came up with because I found some young male singers who's music albums weren't sold in this country from YouTube back in 2007 while playing my ipod touch and now a few years later I was able to buy their music from Amazon or another website. The young male singers are, leandro moldes and declan galbraith
FPWFake Plastic Websites
FQFishing Questions
FQ&SFamous Quotes & Sayings
FRFor Real
FRICFinding Routes into Customers (truck driver website)
FRPFiber Reinforced Plastic
FSCFor Ask Com
FSGVFlight Sim Ground Vehicles (flight simulation website)
FSLFast Simplex Link
FSMFemale Seeking Male
FSTWFAA Safety Team Website
FTFATbit Technologies
