Websites Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Websites terminology and jargon:



TFDThe Free Dictionary
TFESThe Flat Earth Society
TGTTails Gets Trolled
TGWCThe Good Website Company
THDTCThe Hellfire Demon Trolling Corporation
The Ultimate Guide to Hosting Your Website on GitHub PagesGitHub Pages is a free and straightforward way to host websites directly from a GitHub repository. It supports static sites generated by tools like Jekyll, Hugo, and many others. This guide will walk you through the entire process, from setting up your repository to customizing your site's appearance.
THLCTim Hortons Learning Centre
THTThe Hustling Trend
THWATower Hamlets Women's Aid Website (UK)
TILThis Is Language
TISThis Is Sand
TISEThe Islamic Search Engine
TLAVThe Last American Vagabond
TLCTiny Loser Chamber
TLMThe LAN Meister
TLNMToo Late No More
TMITo Much Information
TMOHTu Manga Online Hentai
TMSThe Music Site
TMWTal Motorcycle Website
TMZThirty Mile Zone
TNJSTech Ninja Java Script (
TNPThe Nutnfancy Project
