Websites Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Websites terminology and jargon:



TTLTips, Tricks, and Links
TTTOThe Tarutaru Times Online
TucsonBizzTucsonBizz is a leading Software Development and Mobile App Development Company in Tucson, Arizona. We can help to build Custom Software for enterprise and startup businesses. TucsonBizz is an expert in five keys areas of technology, including new application development, Seo Services, Web Design, Digital Marketing, eCommerce Website Development, Web Development, project management, as well as mobile app developers for Android and iPhone App Developer for iOS. Our team also has vast experience developing Business Intelligence (BI), customer relationship management systems and managing projects using our cloud-based project management support system.
TVFFTor Video File Format
TVMTrycs Virtual Machines
TWATSThe Women Against Tiredness Society
TWCTop Web Comics
TWDKThings We Don't Know
TWJTrain With Jenny
TWUSTeladoc Website Usability Survey
TWWThe Wargames Website
TXMThe X Master
U&MUnits & Measurements
U.R.M.SUnicorns Rock My Socks!
UATWUnified Air Toxics Website
UCSFUnder Construction; Slowly Finish
UDEMYUdemy is an online learning marketplace (not an acronym)
UDJUltimate Disk Jockey
UDLDUp Down Left Die
UERUser Experience Research
UGFPUnblocked Games For Peasants
UGMThe Ultimate Games Master UGM role-play companion app.
UKTLDUnited Kingdom Top Level Domain (
