Accounting Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Accounting terminology and jargon:



10-KThe annual report that publicly held company files with the SEC to provide a comprehensive analysis of the company's financial condition
10-QForm 10-Q is a truncated version of Form 10-K that publlicly held companies file quarterly with the SEC
144Form 144 - the form publicly traded companies must file when corporate insiders want to sell company stock
8-KForm 8-K - publicly traded companies file their 8-K with the SEC to report major developments that occur between filings of the Form 10-K or Form 10-Q
A&ARAccounting and Auditing Releases
A/CAccount Current
A/PAccounts Payable
A/RAccounts Receivable
AAAAccumulated Adjustments Account
AAAAmerican Accounting Association
AAAAssociation of Accounting Administrators
AAA-CPAAmerican Association of Attorney- Certified Public Accountants
AAAAAsian Academic Accounting Association
AAABAccounting Alumni Advisory Board
AAABAuthentication, Authorization and Accounting Broker
AAAJAccounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
AAAJAccounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal
AACAudit and Assurance Council
AACAAssociation of Chartered Certified Accountants
AACBAssociate of the Association of Certified Book-Keepers
AACEAudit Analysis Computer Environment
AACSBAmerican Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business
AACTSArthur Andersen Corporate Technology Solutions
AADAAdjusted Attributable Deposit Amount
AADSAccount Authority Digital Signature
