Accounting Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Accounting terminology and jargon:



TRCTotal Resource Cost
TRPTotal Remuneration Package
TRSTransaction Reporting System
TSTotal Surplus
Ts&CsTerms and Conditions
TSBTechnical Strategy Board
TSCTrue Stranded Costs
TSCTransaction Service Charge
TSFTransfer of Services Funds
TSHTrue Sound Hole
TSTAToo Small To Adjust
TSTETwo Stage Transaction Execution
TTTalk Time
TTCTime to Close financing and have the check clear
TTDThickened Tailings Disposal
TTHSTrainees, Transients, Holdees, and Students
TTMTrailing Twelve Months
TTPTime To Pay
TVTransfer Voucher
TVATaxe sur la Valeur Ajoutée
TVCTotal Variable Costs
TVCASSThames Valley Chartered Accountants' Student Society
TVMTime Value of Money
TVSCAThames Valley Society of Chartered Accountants
