Accounting Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Accounting terminology and jargon:



ACRAAccounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (Singapore)
ACRAAssociate of the Corporation of Registered Accountants
ACRAAccounting and Corporate
ACRIAccounting Careers Recruitment Initiative
ACRNAccounting Classification Reference Numbers
ACRSAccelerated Cost Recovery System
ACSAutomated Collection System
AcSBAccounting Standards Board (Canada)
ACSECAccounting Standards Executive Committee
AcSECAccounting Standards Executive Committee (US)
ACTAccurate, Complete, and Timely
ACTAutomated Credit Transfer
ACTAccountability and Credibility Together
ACTAssociation of Corporate Treasurers
ACTAssociation for Computers and Taxation (US)
ACTSAutomated Card Tracking System
ACUAsian Clearing Union
ACUAutomatic Client Update
ACVActual Cash Value
ACVAnnualized Contract Value
ACVAnnual Contract Value
ACWATM Cash Withdrawal
ACWAAssociate of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants (1919 – 1972)
ADAccumulated Depreciation
ADAAllowance for Doubtful Accounts
