We've got 621 shorthands for blu-ray player »
Acronyms that contain the term blu-ray player
What does blu-ray player mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: blu-ray player.
Term | Definition | Rating |
P | Player | |
WMP | Windows Media Player | |
MP | Media Player | |
SP | Single Player | |
MVP | Most Valuable Player | |
MVP | Most Valuable Player | |
PVP | Player Versus Player | |
PVP | Player Versus Player | |
MP | Multi Player | |
MMORPG | Massively Multi-player On-line Role Playing Game | |
PMP | Portable Multimedia Player | |
LP | Long Player | |
DAP | Digital Audio Player | |
NPC | Non-Player Character | |
NPC | Non Player Character | |
SUPER | Simplified Universal Player Encoder & Renderer | |
PK | Player Killer | |
PVE | PLAYER VS Environment | |
PVE | Player Vs. Environment | |
PK | Player Kill | |
BP | Bass Player | |
PVP | Player Vs. Player | |
PK | Player Killing | |
IDP | Individual Defensive Player | |
GP | Game Player | |
PC | Player Coach | |
AI | Allen Iverson, basketball player | |
PA | Player Association | |
POTW | Player Of The Week | |
PG | Player's Guide | |
PRC | Player Resource Consortium | |
PER | Player Efficiency Rating | |
BP | Big Player | |
GVP | Google Video Player | |
GP | Guitar Player | |
POTM | Player Of The Month | |
PVE | Player Versus Environment | |
VCP | Video Cassette Player | |
VCP | Video Cassette Player | |
PN | Player Name | |
JPS | John Player Special | |
FT | Fred Taylor, football player | |
SP | Super Player | |
MVP | Music And Video Player | |
CGP | Certified Guitar Player | |
MVP | Music Video Player | |
PKK | Player Killer Killer | |
RPG | Role Player Game | |
WARP | Wins Above Replacement Player | |
VMP | Viewpoint Media Player | |
POG | Player Of The Game | |
SAP | Streaming Audio Player | |
HIGGY | Bobby Higginson, baseball player | |
OHP | On-Hold Player | |
MCC | Matthew McChesney, football player | |
PTBNL | Player To Be Named Later | |
AMP | Audio MPEG Player | |
HACP | HACP (High-Assurance Computing Platform) Audio CD (Compact Disk) Player | |
MAP | Most Active Player | |
VIP | Very Important Player | |
FB | Franz Beckenbauer, German football player and coach | |
TPR | Total Player Rating | |
NPC | Non-Player Controlled | |
PVM | Player Versus Monster | |
MMP | Massively Multi-Player | |
SAP | Slight Atari Player | |
VDP | Video Disc Player | |
RPM | Real Player Media | |
NPC | New Player Character | |
MVP | Most Valueable Player | |
SPDR | Single Player Demo Release | |
DUMP | Denna Urtrista Module Player | |
NPC | None Player Character | |
PRO | Player Run Organization | |
PP | Player Price | |
FPP | Frequent Player Points | |
PAT | Player Activated Terminal | |
MVP | Most Valued Player | |
MOO | Multi-player Online Object | |
MMP | Massive Multi-Player | |
CP | Character Player | |
CGP | Curses General Player | |
LARP | Live Action Role Player | |
MVP | Most Valuble Player | |
LVP | Lucent Voice Player | |
EB | Eddie Brown, football player | |
LAMP | Linux Animation and Movie Player | |
PEDS | Player Evaluation and Draft Software | |
MVP | Most Volatile Player | |
DMP | Dual Module Player | |
TPS | Tournament Player Series | |
PTP | Prime Time Player | |
MIP | Most Important Player | |
TPE | Traded Player Exception | |
DP | Dave Parks, football player | |
PDO | Player Development Officer | |
ZZM | ZZT Music Player | |
PRO | Player Referee Organization | |
JD | Jeremy Dutton, baseball player | |
PHD | Player Hating Degree | |
ACPL | Asheron's Call Player Luncheon | |
APK | Anti Player Killer | |
PEAK | Player Evaluation Analysis Kit | |
MSP | Massive Single Player | |
NPH | New Player Helper | |
PPL | Protected Player List | |
IMP | Intelligent Media Player | |
MLP | Major League Player | |
PC | Player Characteristic | |
MVP | Most Vocal Player | |
MMP | Mava Multimedia Player | |
KPP | Key Player Problem | |
IPO | Initial Player Offering | |
TPI | Tennis Player Index | |
MVP | Most Valueless Player | |
LAM | Streaming audio metafile (Netscape Media Player) | |
A2B | A2B Player Playlist | |
RJ | Rory Jones, South African soccer player | |
MPC | Multi Player Cheats | |
PRP | Player Run Plot | |
MDZ | Description of music module (Cubic Player - Cross-View) | |
MCP | NetMC Player Composed Media multimedia file | |
PIMP | Player In Massive Proportions | |
LAMP | Linux Animation and Movie Player | |
ZOI | eZediaMX and eZedia Player Unlocked Presentation Document | |
APL | Average Player Level | |
MUP | Most Underrated Player | |
VSP | Virtual Session Player | |
AMP | Arnolds Midi Player | |
SPC | Special Player Character | |
CPPP | Cherry Piano Player Productions | |
PT | Game crack Player Tools file | |
GPLYE | Gary Player Direct, Inc. | |
BLP | Best Looking Player | |
MSP | Most Sporting Player | |
UMP | Universal Module Player | |
CCDP | Compact Compact Disc Player | |
NPC | Non Player Computer | |
RPA | Racquetball Player Association | |
POT | Player Operated Turret | |
MAP | Mp Audio Player | |
BCP | Boombox CD Player | |
QCP | Digitally encoded voice (Qualcomm QCELP recoder and player) | |
MB | Malcolm Blight, Australian rules football player and coach | |
MPC | Master Player Character | |
UFP | Ultimate Frisbee Player | |
YGP | Younger Generation Player | |
PIP | Player Incentive Program | |
LPR | Last Player To Raise | |
APC | Adoptable Player Character | |
NPC | Non Player Controller | |
VPB | Visitor Player Box | |
PUP | Particularly Useless Player | |
MEP | Most Entertaining Player | |
DMC | Dave McCann, Canadian Football League player and coach | |
WOW | Grave Mod Player 8 channel Music | |
MAP | Most Addicted Player | |
RPK | Role Player Killer | |
LiMP | Linux Multi-media Player | |
QMP | Quick Media Player | |
ICP | Internet Content Player | |
WEP | Worst Ever Player | |
PKX | Player Killers eXtreme | |
PVW | Player Video Workstation | |
CPP | Credits Per Player | |
UDP | Universal Digital Player | |
PC | Player Character (in RPGs) | |
DMAY | Derrick May, baseball player | |
RIP | Rude Immature Player | |
QQT | Query QuickTime Player Plug-in | |
PCD | Player Character Death | |
SPC | Supplementary Player Character | |
UPS | Universal Player System | |
SPUD | Single Player Underground Dungeon | |
KPP-NEG | Key Player Problem - Negative | |
RAMP | Remote Audio Media Player | |
POS | Player Of Slots | |
OSTP | Operating Spiritual Team Player | |
WCDE | Wilson Compact Disk Player - Extra | |
CPL | Cute Player's League | |
APC | Associated Player Character | |
NPT | Normalized Player Time | |
PKA | Player Killers Anonymous | |
BOZ | Brian Bosworth, football player | |
VW | Venus Williams, tennis player | |
NPF | Non-Player Fights | |
APC | Associate Player Character | |
PUBG | Player Unknown BattleGround | |
PUBG | Player Unknown Battle Grand | |
IPVP | Indirect Player vs Player | |
SMP | Survival Multi-Player | |
WLMP | Windows Live Media Player | |
VLC | Video Land Player | |
PFM | Peyton F**** Manning (football player) | |
PUBG | Player Unknown Battle Grounds | |
CDJ | Compact Disk player used by a Disk Jockey for mixing and beatmatching. | |
PVE | Player vs Enemy | |
PVP | Player Vs Player | |
PKC | Player Kill Central | |
MOP | Most Outstanding Player | |
CPOY | Comeback Player of the Year | |
MPGH | Multi Player Game Hacking | |
UPER | Unadjusted Player Efficiency Rating | |
EVP | Exceptionally Valuable Player | |
ROPD | Ragnarok Online Player Database | |
BPEU | Best Player in EUrope | |
POTM | Player of the Match | |
NPK | Non Player Killer | |
IPVE | Internet Player Versus Event | |
DVP | Digital Video Player | |
IPIN | International Player Identification Number | |
PVP | Pets Vs Player | |
PVE | Player Versus Everything | |
FBP | Famous Basketball Player | |
POS | Player-Owned Starbase | |
P2 | Player 2 | |
VRMMO | Virtual Reality Massively Multi-player Online | |
NPE | New Player Experience | |
KMP | KOREAN Media Player | |
PENS | Player Experience of Need satisfaction | |
SPLY | Super Player Like Yourself | |
RGP | Real Guitar Player | |
NVP | Non- Valuable Player | |
MCPVP | Minecraft Player Versus Player | |
MMORPG | Massive Multi-player On-line Role-Playing Game | |
VPAID | Video Player-Ad Interface Definition | |
SUPER | Simplified Universal Player Encoder Renderer | |
XMP | Mod Player | |
PP | Pro Player | |
MPGN | Multi Player Gaming Network | |
PIMP | Player In Manager Position/Profession | |
PUBMED | Player Unknowns Battle Mantra Ending in Domination | |
RBXP | Robloxs Best Extreme Player | |
VURP | Viewer User Reader Player | |
DPOY | Defensive Player Of the Year | |
TYMP | The Youtube Music Player | |
PVB | Player Vs Bot | |
X22 | Paul Magriel, American professional backgammon player. | |
OPDL | Ontario Player Development League | |
PBBV | Player Beta Bought Verizon | |
NNP | No Nonsence Player | |
GPT | Good Player Training | |
DPVR | DVD Player Video Recorder | |
LPDA | Lexington Player Development Academy | |
PIMP | Player in Management Position | |
LPDP | Lawrence Player Development Program | |
GMPC | Gnome Music Player Client | |
PRED | Nashville Predators player | |
PSA | Player Service Agent | |
10P | 10 Player | |
ZP | Zoom Player | |
PPE | Pro Player Experience | |
MPD | Music Player Daemon | |
OPR | Overall Player Rating | |
KYP | Know Your Player | |
HB | Has a Bass player | |
CGP | Crappy Guitar Player | |
NSP | Network Stream Player | |
PMP | Professional Mallet Player | |
RTSP | Random Table Synchronous Player | |
RMP | Replexs Media Player | |
PSP | Pathetic Sony Player | |
PIMP | Player Is Making Paper | |
NJ | Nick Johnson, baseball player | |
LT | Ladainian Tomlinson (football player) | |
FEP | Full Episode Player | |
RMP | Random Male Player | |
AVP | Average volleyball Player | |
PDP | Player Development Program | |
PSS | Player Search System | |
HPWS | Horse Player World Series | |
OVP | Open Video Player | |
YNBP | Your New Bass Player | |
WMPC | Media Player Classic | |
PPPPS | Prepared Player Piano Pinball System | |
IPPCL | Indian Premier Player Cricket League | |
SYP | Sophisticated Young Player | |
LVP | Least Valuable player | |
NPC | Non Player Characters | |
ASAP | Another Slight Atari Player | |
IPP | Podcast Player | |
PMB | Player Male Body | |
HMP | Hyper Media Player | |
NPV | Net Player Value | |
AWP | Awfully Weak Player | |
NPC | Non Player Characternpc | |
WOMP | Wills Own Media Player | |
APPA | American Paintball Player's Association | |
PDP | Player Development Programs | |
OCP | Open Cubic Player | |
RPR | Random Player Representing | |
PRE | Player Run Event | |
CODP | Call Of Duty Player | |
BAMP | BitGriff Advanced Media Player | |
WMPT | Windows Media Player Test | |
EPPP | Elite Player Performance Plan | |
BRAP | Browser Recorder And Player | |
CPOTY | Comeback Player Of The Year | |
PVK | Player Vengeance Kill | |
POTG | Player Of The Game | |
PBBV | Player Bot Beta Version | |
PVP | Player vs Player–in | |
EPL | Every Player Loaded | |
PIVT | Player Industrial Video Technologies, Inc. | |
AMPI | Advanced Media Player Information | |
PRTP | Player Run Tiny Plot | |
PDC | Player Development Contract | |
MPCP | Media Player Codec Pack | |
MVOP | Most Valuable Offensive Player | |
JTTP | Join The Team Player | |
PC | Player Character | |
SAPP | Stupid A Past Player | |
EDP | Expert Double Player | |
BPD | Basketball Player Development | |
WMZ | Default extension for a zipped Windows Media Player file | |
SPC | Single Player Commands | |
QMP | Quintessential Media Player | |
PPHA | Pro Player Health Alliance | |
PMP | Portable Media Player | |
PDP | Player Development Programme | |
MVPE | Most Valuable Player Ever | |
RTP | Return To Player | |
DMP | Dual Music Player | |
HSPD | High School Player Development | |
PGC | Player Growth Center | |
JPN | John Player Norton | |
PFM | Player Forecast Manager | |
LPFC | Long Player Football Club | |
PMK | Player made kingdom | |
PVM | Player Vs Monster | |
NPC | Non-Player Character | |
PE | Player Exclusive | |
VPP | VIP Player Point | |
EPDG | Elite Player Development Group | |
EPD | Elite Player Development | |
PVP | Portable Video Player | |
MMPC | Maemo Music Player Client | |
TYFP | The Young Flute Player | |
PIG | Player is gone | |
PPA | Player Progression Academy | |
PCEA | Player Character Exclusive Animations | |
SPE | Sweq Player Experience | |
PVO | Player Vs Objective | |
FPP | Frequent Player Point | |
PDK | Player Dev Kit | |
PDK | Player Development Kit | |
EP | Extended Player | |
RPP | R Player Plus | |
LPP | Lua Player Plus | |
PPWB | Player Preferred Wheeled Bag | |
YMP | Youtube Music Player | |
OPO | Offensive Player Only | |
PVF | Player Versus Forums | |
HVP | Highest Valued Player | |
JPD | Junior Player Development | |
MPK | Monster Player Kill | |
VPM | Video Player Measurement | |
POH | Player owned house | |
DPP | Developing Player Programme | |
PVM | Player versus Machine | |
VTAP | Vault Tec Audio Player | |
KMP | Kang Multimedia Player | |
BPD | Basketball Player Development | |
LPC | Lurker Player Character | |
PE | Player Edition | |
WIMP | Wireless internet Music Player | |
WIMP | Wireless internet Music Player | |
PMW | Player Made Weapon | |
NRGP | Non Rostered Guest Player | |
TPY | Team Player Youth | |
PDL | Player Development League | |
MPK | Mass Player Kill | |
FP | Figure Player | |
NPCS | non player characters These | |
PDFL | Player Development Futsal League | |
SPMS | Single Player Minecraft Survival | |
HPD | Hockey Player Development | |
HPD | Hockey Player Development | |
DMP | Digital Media Player | |
EMVP | Engagement Most Valuable Player | |
TPC | Total Player Center | |
YPO | Young Player Opportunity | |
GMPC | Game Master Player Character | |
WMP | Window Media Player | |
MPH | Media Player Hotkeys | |
PPS | Player Protection System | |
PPS | Pro Player Society | |
BAMP | BritGriff Advanced Media Player | |
MVP | Mobile Virtual Player | |
POY | Player Of the Year | |
PP | Player Pronoun | |
MIP | Most Improved Player | |
CPDC | Coach and Player Development Committee | |
CPDC | Coach and Player Development Committee | |
AAMP | Advanced Adaptive Media Player | |
WVP | Wireless Video Player | |
NHLP | National Hockey League Player | |
CPPT | Card Player Poker Tour | |
SPAC | Standard Player Agent Contract | |
ASOP | All Season Outdoor Player | |
POB | Player Owned Bouncer | |
PPGI | Player Provided Guides and Information | |
MVPS | Most Valued Player S | |
PVM | Player Vs Monsters | |
PVM | Player Verus Monster | |
DPE | Disabled Player Exception | |
AIMP | Artem Izmaylov Media Player | |
FYPD | First Year Player Drafts | |
GPL | Global Player League | |
DPL | Development Player League | |
TPD | Total Player Development | |
LMP | Licks Media Player | |
GEMP | GameBoy Emulator Media Player | |
MPV | Media Player Vip | |
POF | Player Owned Farm | |
TYPS | Tong Yang Player Sample | |
PDH | Player Development Hoops | |
DSMP | Dimple Song Music Player | |
POSD | Player Owned Sex Dome | |
RPTS | Role Player Threat Screening | |
SVP | Second Valuable Player | |
DMPC | Dungeon Master Player Character | |
POTG | Player On The Go | |
SMP | Survival Multi Player | |
RPD | Reset Player Data | |
POY | Player Of Year | |
JPS | Johnny Player Special | |
SPT | SIngle Player Tarkov | |
PVP | Player Versus Player | |
PVP | Player Versus Player | |
MVP | A Most Vulnerable Player | |
LVP | Laser Vision Player | |
AVPP | Audio-Video Player/Processor | |
DOPD | Director Of Player Development | |
PAM | Player Appreciation Month | |
RP | Role Player | |
RP | Real Player | |
IPDP | International Player Development Program | |
RPK | Random Player Killer | |
IGMP | A Internetwork Game Manager Player | |
IDP | Individual Defensive Player | |
PAM | Player Appreciation Month | |
LTPD | Long Term Player Development | |
BJC | Brian Joshua Cook, basketball player | |
NEWB | Newbie game player | |
MMOPG | Massively Multi-player Online Persistent Game | |
SJ | Steve Johnson, football player | |
IFP | Iriver Flash Player | |
PMP | Personal Media Player | |
AWP | A Weak Player | |
MPC | Media Player Classic | |
MMOG | Massive Multi-player On-line Game | |
C-WEBB | Chris Webber, Basketball Player | |
POG | Player Of Games | |
SPC | Standard Player Contract | |
PIMP | Player In a Management Position | |
UMP | Uber0n Media Player | |
PTPS | Parker Team Player Survey | |
MMOG | Massive Multi-player On-line Game | |
MMOG | Massive Multi-player On-line Game | |
MMOG | Massive Multi-player On-line Game | |
NPC | Non-Player Character | |
DSMP | Damn Small Media Player | |
VORP | alue Over Replacement Player (Baseball) | |
VPS | Virtual Player Server | |
ALCS MVP | American League Championship Series Most Valuable Player | |
NLCS MVP | National League Championship Series Most Valuable Player | |
WS MVP | World Series Most Valuable Player | |
POTD | Player of the Day | |
AFP | Adobe Flash Player | |
BOH | Rick Boh - Canadian ice hockey player | |
POQ | Player Of Quality | |
OP | Operating Player | |
AEP | Audio Entertainment Player | |
SP | Single Player | |
PECOTA | Player Empirical Comparison and Optimization Test Algorithm | |
1B1 | One Player | |
WASP | Watch and See Player | |
SPOY | Senior Player of the Year | |
PAC-3 | Player Appereance Customizer Version 3 | |
PDU | Player Display Unit | |
RGFFTP | Really Good FreeFall Tournament Player | |
KPOY | Kenpom Player Of the Year | |
OPOY | Offensive Player Of the Year | |
POTY | Player Of The Year | |
VORP | Value Over Replacement Player | |
TCPMP | The Core Pocket Media Player | |
3PV | Peak Player Production Values | |
@p | Nearest Player | |
@r | Random Player | |
FHP | Fake Health Player | |
KBPQ | Keyboard Player Quinn | |
NPE | Negative Player Experience | |
SMP | Survival Multi-Player | |
ELMP | Embedded Linux Mp3 Player | |
CDP | Cd Player | |
DPVD | Disc Player and Video Display | |
JPS | John Player Special | |
MPIM | Multimedia Player Interface Module | |
RAD | Radio with Compact Disc Player | |
VPU | Vehicle Player Unit | |
AAPLAY | Autodesk Animation Player | |
AEP | Audio Entertainment Player | |
AFP | Adobe Flash Player | |
ALMP | Awe32 Linux Module Player | |
AMP | Audio Mpeg Player | |
AMP | Adobe Media Player | |
ANP | Announcement Player | |
AWP | Authorware Web Player | |
BDP | Bluray Disc Player | |
BMP | Beep Media Player | |
BMPX | Beep Media Player Next Generation | |
CDP | Compact Disc Player | |
CDP | Change Default Player | |
CGP | Computer Generated Player | |
CPK | Custom Player Kit | |
CSP | Character Shape Player | |
DAP | Digital Audio Player | |
DMP | Digital Music Player | |
DMP | Digital Media Player | |
DMP | Digital Motion Player | |
DMP | Drm Music Player | |
DMP | Dockable Media Player | |
DVDP | Dvd Player | |
DVP | Digital Video Player | |
DVP | Dvd Player | |
ELMP | Embedded Linux Mp3 Player | |
FLAM | Flash Mp3 Player | |
FPP | Flash Panorama Player | |
GVP | Google Video Player | |
IMP | Internet Music Player | |
IRP | Internet Radio Player | |
JAMP | Java Mp3 Player | |
JMP | Java Media Player | |
LAMP | Linux Animation and Movie Player | |
LDP | Laser Disc Player | |
LIMP | Linux Multimedia Player | |
LVP | Live Video Player | |
MDP | Media Disc Player | |
MFP | Macromedia Flash Player | |
MMP | Multi Media Player | |
MPC | Media Player Classic | |
MPD | Music Player Daemon | |
MPFC | Music Player For Console | |
MPFPS | Multi Player First Person Shooter | |
MPG | Multi Player Game | |
MPGH | Multi Player Game Hacking | |
MPLAY | Media Player | |
MPM | Multi Player Mode | |
MPOG | Multi Player Online Game | |
MPVIS | Media Player Visualization | |
MPXP | Media Player for Windows Xp | |
MSWMP | Microsoft Windows Media Player | |
MVP | Most Valuable Player | |
NAP | Network Audio Player | |
NMP | Network Multimedia Player | |
NMP | Network Media Player | |
NSPLAY | Netshow Player | |
OLP | On Line Player | |
PID | Player Id | |
PMP | Portable Media Player | |
PMP | Personal Media Player | |
PSML | Player Statistics Markup Language | |
PVE | Player Versus Environment | |
PVP | Personal Video Player | |
QMP | Quintessential Media Player | |
QPX | Quicktime Player Extension | |
QTP | Quick Time Player | |
RAP | Real Audio Player | |
RMP | Real Media Player | |
ROMP | Rosa Media Player | |
RPHO | Real Player How-to | |
RPMS | Real Player Message Hook | |
RPPL | Realone Player Playlist | |
RPQT | Real Player Quick Time | |
RPTR | Real One Player Track Editor | |
SAP | Streaming Audio Player | |
SPG | Single Player Game | |
SPL | Shockwave Player | |
SPM | Single Player Mode | |
SPQ | Single Player Quake | |
SUPER | Simplified Universal Player Encoder and Renderer | |
TCMP | The Core Media Player | |
TCPMP | The Core Pocket Media Player | |
TYMP | The Youtube Music Player | |
VCP | Video Cassette Player | |
VDP | Video Disc Player | |
VDP | Virtual Disk Player | |
VEXP | Via Enhanced Xine Player | |
VIP | Video Player | |
VIP | Video Information Player | |
VMP | Viewpoint Media Player | |
VPAID | Video Player Ad Interface Definition | |
VWP | Vmware Workstation Player | |
WLMP | Windows Live Media Player | |
WMMP | Window Maker for Music Player | |
WMP | Windows Media Player | |
WMPCD | Windows Media Player Compact Disc | |
WMPCM | Windows Media Player Compositing Mixer | |
WMPPS | Windows Media Player Proxy Stub | |
WMPT | Windows Media Player Test | |
WMPUI | Windows Media Player User Interface | |
XMP | Extensible Modular Player | |
YAMP | Yet Another Music Player | |
YMP | Youtube Music Player | |
ZAMP | Zip Audio Media Player | |
MLG | Most Legendary Player | |
DP | Designated Player | |
DP | Designated Player | |
EP | Extra Player | |
EP | Extra Player | |
FLEX | FLEXible player | |
FLEX | FLEXible player | |
BICTH | An annoying gamer (player) | |
BICTH | An annoying gamer (player) | |
SIMP | Super Intense Minecraft Player | |
UMP | Ultralight MIDI Player | |
PPP | Player Purshasing Power | |
RPO | Ready Player One | |
NDSP | Network Digital Signage Player |
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"blu-ray player." Abbreviations.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 14 Dec. 2024. <https://www.abbreviations.com/blu-ray%20player>.
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