We've got 237 shorthands for want you bad »
Acronyms that contain the term want you bad
What does want you bad mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term: want you bad.
Term | Definition | Rating |
WANNA | Want To | |
WANNABE | Want To Be | |
WK | Want To Know | |
WTB | Want To Buy | |
WTS | Want To Sell | |
WTT | Want To Trade | |
WAN2 | Want To | |
AW | Anyone Want | |
WPW | What People Want | |
WTS | Want To Show | |
WWYS | We Want Your Soul | |
WYW | Whatever You Want | |
WYW | Whatever You Want | |
WUW | What U Want | |
WTD | Want To Deal | |
IWM | I Want Media | |
IWSN | I Want Sex Now | |
WDYW | What Do You Want? | |
WDYW | What Do You Want? | |
KWL | Know, Want, Learn | |
AWYWI | Any Way You Want It | |
AWYWI | Any Way You Want It | |
AWYWI | Any Way You Want It | |
WWHD | We Want Him Dark | |
WWF | We Want The Franchise | |
WTP | Want To Prove | |
WYTK | Want You To Know | |
WYTK | Want You To Know | |
WWF | We Want Funds | |
DWI | Dorks Want It | |
WTSQ | Want To Sell Quick | |
WNAT | Typo for 'Want' | |
WUW | What Users Want | |
SWB | See, Want, and Buy | |
WWW | We Want Winter | |
IWTCIRD | I Want To Cum Inside Rainbow Dash | |
WYWTTA | What You Want To Talk About | |
29126? | Tonight (29) want to (12) sex (6)? | |
WTTP | Want To Trade Pictures? | |
YWS | You Want Some | |
WYWTTA | What Do You Want To Talk About | |
WTHS | Want To Have Sex | |
WED | Want Excellent Drugs | |
WYWTB | What You Want Talk 'Bout | |
WTF | Want The Fish? | |
IW | I Want .... | |
WWE | We Want Eggs | |
WDYW | What Do You Want | |
WDUWTTA? | What Do U Want To Talk About? | |
WDYWTTA | What Do You Want To Talk About? | |
IWY | I Want You | |
IDRWT | I Don't Really Want To | |
IWTD | I Want To Die | |
YWS | You Want Sex | |
WYDW | What Do You Want | |
WDUWTTA | What Do You Want to Talk About | |
WWYB | We Want You Back | |
CABY | Handsome Man you want friend with him , good looking , powerful man | |
WWTA | We Want The Airwaves | |
IDWT | I Don't Want To | |
IWKY | I Want to Kiss You | |
WDYWTD | What Do You Want To Do | |
WFWT | Want Fries With That | |
DYWTT | Do You Want To Talk? | |
IDW2 | I Don't Want To | |
IWTB | I Want To Believe | |
EYW | Everything You Want | |
YW | You Want it | |
IWYB | I Want You Back | |
LYWY | Love You, Want You | |
WYWTTB | What You Want To Talk aBout | |
WWE | We Want Edge | |
WWMN | We Want Moshiach Now | |
WDUWTTA | What Do yoU Want To Talk About | |
IJWTS | I Just Want To Say | |
WOOT | Want One Of Those | |
GWYW | Got What You Want | |
IKYWT | I Know You Want To | |
DYWM | Do You Want Me | |
FTYW | Fee That You Want | |
WYWTB | Where You Want to Be | |
WTGI | Want to Get Involved | |
WTJM | Want To Join Me? | |
WYWTB | Who You Want To Be | |
IJWMPA | I Just Want My P*ssy Ate | |
IWTGH | I Want To Go Home | |
IWTEYP | I Want To Eat Your Pancreas | |
YWML | You Want My Lips | |
HDWY | He Don't Want You | |
MHWY | Make Him Want You | |
IWNM | I Want New Music | |
IWTFY | I Want To F*** You | |
IWTBA | I Want To Be A | |
FYW | F*ck You Want? | |
WEYW | What Ever You Want | |
WWJD | We Want Jack Daniels | |
IWYD | I Want You Dead | |
WYWTB | What You Want To Be | |
IWO | I Want One | |
WMB | Want Midna Back | |
IWI | I want it… | |
WFBF | Want First, Buy First | |
IWI | I Want It | |
WTR | Want to Race | |
IJWO | I Just Want Out | |
TTIW | That Thing I Want | |
LIYW | Listen If You Want | |
IWTFY | I Want To F*** You | |
GWYW | Getting What You Want | |
WWM | We Want More | |
WYW | Watch you Want | |
TSWW | The Seymour We Want | |
WIWW | What I Want Wednesday | |
IWTD | I Want That Design | |
IWON | I Want One Now | |
WTK | Want To Know | |
WNK | Want Need Keep | |
IYW | If You Want | |
GWYW | Get What You Want | |
WME | Want More Energy | |
WTH | Want to Hire | |
WWHL | Want Want Holdings Ltd | |
WIWG | What I want, Girl .... | |
DNW | Do Not Want | |
WTS | Want to See | |
WCIW | What Could I Want | |
WTB | Want To Be | |
WGC | Want Get Connect | |
SIWI | See It Want It | |
WWYB | We Want Your Band | |
IWTF | I Want That Flight | |
WUW | When U Want | |
TFWW | The Future We Want | |
WTTP | Want To Trade Pictures | |
AIW | as I want | |
WYWW | Whatever You Want Wednesday | |
WTA | Want To Ask | |
WRE | Want to Retire Early | |
JWC | Just Want Coffee | |
WTR | Want To Request | |
WAK | Want Afraid and Know | |
WTG | Want To Get | |
WTD | Want To Die | |
WOB | Want Of Bee | |
AWE | Anyone Want Eggs | |
WTTF | Want To Trade For | |
WTT | Want To Trade the | |
KWN | Know Want Need | |
WYWTB | What You Want Talk Bout | |
WYW | What You Want | |
DWP | Dismissed for Want of Prosecution | |
ASW | Again Sorrey Want | |
MSPW | Make Something People Want | |
FWW | Future We Want | |
WTL | Want To Let | |
IWFY | I Want to F*** You | |
WP | Want of Prosecution | |
WAF | Want A Fanta? | |
IWY | I Want You | |
WFWT? | Want Fries With That? | |
WDJW | What Does Jesus Want? | |
WAM | Want A Medal? | |
ZWR | Zoo With Roy (I Want to go to the Zoo With Roy Halliday) | |
SWDYWTTA | So What Do You Want To Talk About? | |
WTD | Want To Die? | |
GALUNI | Galuni is whatever you want it to be. | |
IWTBNTU | I Want To Be Next To You | |
WDYWMTS | What Do You Want Me To Say | |
FWWWM | Fast Women Whom Want Money | |
IWBB | I want a Big Bomb | |
LAYW | Laugh All You Want | |
IWKU | I Want to Know You | |
WWLK | We Want Little Kids | |
IWTBYL | I Want To Be Your Lover | |
PWYW | Pay What You Want | |
WYWE | What You Want Exactly | |
WSGS | Want Some Get Some | |
DYWTPNHIE | Do You Want To Play Never Have I Ever | |
WTF | Want To Find | |
WTGABTE | Want To Grab A Bite To Eat? | |
WTEIA | Want To End It All | |
IDWTL | I Don’t Want To Leave | |
EKX | Еду Как Хочу -I drive as I want | |
IWT | I Want Tacos | |
IJWSYD | I Just Want to S*** Your D*** | |
DWTT | Don’t Want To Talk | |
WWTS | We Want To Show | |
WWF | We Want Fudgecake | |
IWSS | I Want Something Stronger | |
SWYW | Say What You Want | |
IWTFYSB | I Want To F*** You So Bad | |
WTMO | Want To Make Out | |
IWIS | I Want It Stopped | |
HDYWTDT | How Do You Want To Do This? | |
WWTW | We Want To Win | |
IWTW | I Want To Win | |
IDGAFALIWTD | I Don't Give A F*** About Life I Want To Die | |
WTT | Want To Talk | |
IDCFWAIWTDIPR | I Don't Care For Work All I Want To Do Is Play Roblox | |
DYWMTCSYDTUNIMM | Do You Want Me To Come S**k Your D*** 'Till You N*t In My Mouth? | |
IJWYTSMDTICIYM | I Just Want You To S**k My D*** 'Till I C** In Your Mouth | |
IWSSB | I Want Sex So Bad | |
IWRFYSBRN | I Want To F*** You So Bad Right Now | |
WDYWFM | What Do You Want From Me? | |
IWTD | I Want To Date | |
WWAC | We Want Any Car | |
IWM | I Want Media | |
UWCC | Used to Want Cdma to Crash | |
DWYW | Do What You Want | |
IWTF | I Want To F*** | |
NCSR | Not Cross Stitch Related when you want to add a post in a Cross Stitch Group that is not related to the same | |
IWTGH | I Want To Go Home. | |
IWAB | I Want A Baby! | |
14273 | 1-I 4-want 2-to 7-f***ing 3-die | |
IDWTTCBIKIFTB | I don't want things to change but I know it's for the better | |
IDWTTCBIKIFTB | I don't want things to change but I know it's for the better | |
YWTPLP | You want to play? Let's play. | |
WTC | Want To Call | |
WANCHA | Want you | |
IWYTFMSHTICB | I Want You To F*ck Me So Hard That I Cant Breathe | |
BBB | I want know about what is doing | |
LJRSNEAKERS | Discussion in the Repsneakers community, the topic of LJR batch sneakers is very popular. In comparison with other batches such as OG, PK, GD, GT, GP, LN5, H12 etc. LJR Batch can always gain more recognition and support from users. In the closed community of Reddit, there are also discussions dedicated to the LJR batch. If you want to know more details about LJR Batch, please enter LJR Sneakers last news, or the subscription in LJR instagram. | |
LJRSNEAKERS | Discussion in the Repsneakers community, the topic of LJR batch sneakers is very popular. In comparison with other batches such as OG, PK, GD, GT, GP, LN5, H12 etc. LJR Batch can always gain more recognition and support from users. In the closed community of Reddit, there are also discussions dedicated to the LJR batch. If you want to know more details about LJR Batch, please enter LJR Sneakers last news, or the subscription in LJR instagram. | |
LJRSNEAKERS | Discussion in the Repsneakers community, the topic of LJR batch sneakers is very popular. In comparison with other batches such as OG, PK, GD, GT, GP, LN5, H12 etc. LJR Batch can always gain more recognition and support from users. In the closed community of Reddit, there are also discussions dedicated to the LJR batch. If you want to know more details about LJR Batch, please enter LJR Sneakers last news, or the subscription in LJR instagram. | |
4-10 | In CB lingo, the reverse of 10-4. you want confirmation from the listener | |
144 | Form 144 - the form publicly traded companies must file when corporate insiders want to sell company stock | |
IDWY | I don't want you | |
IWYDIMM | I Want Your Dick In My Mouth | |
ISWT | I Still Want To | |
YWTK | You Want To Know | |
DWT | Don't-Want-To | |
IJWTBWYFTROML | I Just Want To Be With You For The Rest Of My Life | |
IWTBWYFTROML | I Want To Be With You For The Rest Of My Life | |
I.W.Y.K.H.M.I.L.Y.A.T.I.W.T.S.T.R.O.M.L.W.Y | I wish you knew how much I love you and that I want to spend the rest im my life with you | |
WWDC | Women Want Designer Clothes | |
DWTB | Don't Want To buy | |
WWDC | We Want Decent Cars |
What does want you bad mean?
- Want You Bad
- Want You Bad is a song by American punk rock band The Offspring. The song is featured as the fourth track on the band's sixth studio album Conspiracy of One (2000) and was released as the second single from the album. The song is also featured on the band's Greatest Hits album (2005). It became another Offspring US Hot Modern Rock Track top 10. The title is a play on words, with the narrator of the song saying to his girlfriend he wants her "to be bad" as in a dominatrix way, rather than he wants her "badly". The song was remixed by the Dwarves singer Blag Dahlia. The remix appeared on some versions of the "Million Miles Away" single. Two of the single's B-sides, "80 Times" and "Autonomy", appeared on the band's 2010 Japan only compilation album Happy Hour!.
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"want you bad." Abbreviations.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 4 Dec. 2024. <https://www.abbreviations.com/want%20you%20bad>.
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