In the context of the example sentence that you included, I'm almost certain that "i.r.t." stands for "in regard to". I've no idea why @acronimous suggested that "i.r.t. stands for " Infrared Radiation Thermography", because, as far as I can tell, that would make no logical sense in the context of the example sentence that you included. Moreover, I'm particularly confused as to why his suggested meaning received 3 likes!more »
I am an Internet and information technology expert. I have a bachelor's degree in computer engineering from Vanderbilt University. I have approximately six years of experience in the IT industry, working as a software engineer for companies including Toshiba, Aspera (an IBM company), Merrill Lynch, WebAssign, Hewlett-Packard, Oracle, and IgnitionOne. I am also an aspiring technical writer. I have the unique ability to clearly and concisely explain complex and abstract topics related to computers, the Internet, and technology.