Ahmad.hammiejou's entries Page #14
Here's the list of entries submitted by ahmad.hammiejou — There are currently 349 entries total — keep up the great work!
OFT | Operational Flight Trainer | |
PTD | Procedural Training Device | |
GDD | Ground Demonstrator Device | |
ISS | In Service Support | |
ERP | Emergency Response Plan | |
IMS | Incident Management System | |
DAPA | Defense Acquisition Program Administration | |
UAR | Unforecasted Ammunition request | |
SCG | Storage Compatibility Group | |
RSO | Range Safety Officer | |
NIPC | Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission | |
VHA | Vehicle Holding Area | |
AHA | Ammunition Holding Area | |
AWEA | American Wind Energy Association | |
DWEA | Distributed Wind Energy Association | |
AFOP | Ammunition Found On Post | |
WIEF | World Islamic Economic Forum | |
CSM | Chopped Strand Mat | |
PDC | Post-Dated Check | |
BCM | Binary Chemical munitions | |
WCTO | War or Contingency Tactical Operation | |
rqr | required | |
PUBS | Publications | |
mkg | marking |