Ahmad.hammiejou's entries Page #2
Here's the list of entries submitted by ahmad.hammiejou — There are currently 349 entries total — keep up the great work!
CETASM | Canine Explosive Training Aid Storage Magazine | |
RESQD | Reduced Explosives Safety Quantity Distance | |
MCE | Maximum Creditable Event | |
NEWQDKG | Net Explosive Weight for Quantity Distance Purposes in Kilograms | |
DARAD | Deviation Approval and Risk Acceptance Document | |
SPBS–R | Standard Property Book System-Redesign | |
PULS | Pre-configured Unit Loads | |
PHF | Petroleum Heating Fuel | |
PHF | Petroleum Heating Fuel | |
CEI | Component End Item | |
CPMC | Commercially Performed Maintenance Contract | |
CSM | Clothing Store Manager | |
CSM | Clothing Store Manager | |
CMAS | Clothing Monetary Allowance System | |
CMAS | Clothing Monetary Allowance System | |
CSP | Central Service Point | |
CRSP | Centralized Receiving and Shipping Point | |
CPP | Central Processing Point | |
CCA | Central Collection Activity | |
CN | Capital Nature | |
CP | Cannibalization Point | |
BPP | Bulk Petroleum Product | |
BPP | Bulk Petroleum Product | |
BBS | Break-Bulk Ship | |
BBP | Break-Bulk Point |