Ahmad.hammiejou's entries Page #3
Here's the list of entries submitted by ahmad.hammiejou — There are currently 349 entries total — keep up the great work!
OLQ | Operational Limiting Quality | |
FLQ | Functional Limiting Quality | |
SQR | Service Quality Requirement | |
CPS | Cardinal Point Specification | |
CASA | Coordinating Action on Small Arms | |
DAER | Daily Ammunition Expenditure Rate | |
ADAC | Ammunition Descriptive Asset Codes | |
OMCP | Objectivity, Materiality, Consistency, Prudence | |
ESHN | Explosive Storehouse Number | |
CPU | Córdoba Private University | |
CPU | Córdoba Private University | |
AMPS | Ammunition Management Policy Statements | |
AMPS | Ammunition Management Policy Statements | |
MLA | Munitions Life Assessment | |
TLM | Through Life Management | |
TLM | Through Life Management | |
FASP | Field Ammunition Supply Point | |
ITP | Invitation to Pre-Qualification | |
MAAR | Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform | |
MAAR | Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform | |
MAAR | Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform | |
SPU | Sprout Production Unit | |
EEA | Explosive Embedment Anchor | |
PAD | Propellant Actuated Device | |
UXS | Unmanned System |