Ahmad.hammiejou's entries Page #4
Here's the list of entries submitted by ahmad.hammiejou — There are currently 349 entries total — keep up the great work!
LCB | Light Case Bomb | |
ARTC | Army Repair Technicians Course | |
AFPT | Armed Forces Physical Training | |
AFMHS | Armed Forces Military High School | |
AFMHS | Armed Forces Military High School | |
ACSR | Ammunition Controlled Supply Rate | |
AAAD | All Arms Air Defense | |
ABLCS | Ammunition Basic Load Computation System | |
JALI | Joint Administration & Logistics Institute | |
JALI | Joint Administration & Logistics Institute | |
WS | Warhead Section | |
PIBD | Point-Initiating, Base-Detonating | |
CSAS | Cultural Stress Anxiety Syndrome | |
CSAS | Cultural Stress Anxiety Syndrome | |
CSAS | Cultural Stress Anxiety Syndrome | |
ATM | Arab Travel Market | |
TRM | Technical Review Meetinig | |
BE | Base Ejecting | |
LCST | Logistics Commodities & Services Transformation | |
GRMA | Global Removal Management Services | |
R&I | Research and innovation | |
R&I | Receipts and Issues | |
ESH | Explosive Storehouse | |
A & ER | Ammunition and Explosives Regulations | |
AFESS | Automatic Fire and Explosion Sensing and Suppressing |