Ahmad.hammiejou's entries Page #5
Here's the list of entries submitted by ahmad.hammiejou — There are currently 349 entries total — keep up the great work!
AFESS | Automatic Fire and Explosion Sensing and Suppressing | |
RCWS | Remote Controlled Weapon Station | |
RCWS | Remote Controlled Weapon Station | |
SBBI | Single Bay Box Igloo | |
DBBI | Double Bay Box Igloo | |
IWC | Integrated Weapon Complex | |
APB | Ammunition Process Buildings | |
SUAH | Storehouse for Unit Ammunition Holdings | |
SFMWS | Steel Framed Medium Wall Storehouse | |
SAI | Steel Arch Igloo | |
SPAPB | Special Purpose Ammunition Process Building | |
GPAPB | General Purpose Ammunition Process Building | |
TEH | Test Equipment House | |
WACR | Weapon Assembly and Check Rooms | |
GCC | Geographic Combatant Command | |
JHOC | Joint Humanitarian Operations Course | |
JFHT | Joint Force Headquarters Training | |
JEOC | Joint Engineer Operations Course | |
JOPEC | Joint OCS Planning & Execution Course | |
OCS | Operational Contract Support | |
ASF | Anti-Shatter Film | |
BBNC | Bomb Blast Net Curtains | |
LRASM | Lockheed Martin's Long Range Anti-Ship Missile | |
LRLAP | Long Range Land Attack Projectile | |
HEMTT-LHS | Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck -Load Handling System |