Ahmad.hammiejou's entries Page #8
Here's the list of entries submitted by ahmad.hammiejou — There are currently 349 entries total — keep up the great work!
STC | Supply & Transport Company | |
HGTC | Heavy General Transport Company | |
FTC | Fuel Transport Company | |
TCC | Tank Carrier Company | |
MUT | Mounting-Up Time | |
TTM | Total Time Marching | |
TCT | Track Clearing Time | |
PCSP | Pre-Configured Supply Packages | |
ICDC | Internship & Career Development Center | |
SRM | Spark Resistant Materials | |
PAEP | Protection Against Explosive Propagation | |
PRS | Pressure Release Structure | |
IQD | Inside Quantity Distance | |
PPB | Personnel Protective Building | |
UFH | Undue Fire Hazard | |
PTRD | Public Traffic Route Distance | |
HRHY | Hot-Rolled High Yield | |
PAPO | Protection Against Projected Objects | |
ARSC | Ammunition Requiring Special Consideration | |
CDSD | Closest Direct Support Distance | |
ECB | Earth Covered Building | |
HWB | Heavy Walled Building | |
MWB | Medium Walled Building | |
LSB | Light Structured Building | |
JSP | Joint Strategic Plan |