Christen_r's entries
Here's the list of entries submitted by christen_r — There are currently 29 entries total — keep up the great work!
IRA | Individual Retirement Account | |
IAB | Internet Architecture Board | |
IAB | Internet Architecture Board | |
IRTF | Internet Research Task Force | |
IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force | |
IPR | Intellectual Property Rights | |
AMS | Associate Management Solutions | |
ISE | Independent Submission Editor | |
BCP | Best Current Practices | |
AMP | Authentication of Media by Provenance | |
CAI | Content Authentication Initiative | |
C2PA | Coalition for Content Provenance and Authentication | |
ZAGNY | Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York (ZAGNY) | |
ZAGNY | Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York (ZAGNY) | |
KRAS | KRAS is an oncogene that is mutated in ~ 90% of cancer types | |
PHAR2001 | Pharmacology. Body mind and Brain manipulation through drug application. | |
PHAR2001 | Pharmacology. Body mind and Brain manipulation through drug application. | |
PHAR2001 | Pharmacology. Body mind and Brain manipulation through drug application. | |
PROXY | A means of reference which is a Principal by nature. Authoritative. | |
ETH | ether- Crypto currency. | |
MT5 | MetaTrader5. Stock Broker software. | |
MT5 | MetaTrader5. Stock Broker software. | |
MT4 | MetaTrader4. Forex Trading Platform. | |
Lx | Left hand. Referring to the physical space of quantumly entangled mirroring entities. | |
RX | Right handed Particle. Better knows as Positrons-. |