JokerGem's entries
Here's the list of entries submitted by JokerGem — There are currently 46 entries total — keep up the great work!
HAARP | High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program | |
HAARP | High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program | |
POSIWID | the Purpose Of a System Is What It Does | |
INMI | INvoluntary Musical Imagery | |
SHIELD | Solar Wind with Hydrogen Ion Exchange and Large-scale Dynamics | |
AOVCF | Acute Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fracture | |
STP | Science Technology Performance | |
STP | Science Technology Performance | |
STP | Science Technology Performance | |
MSP | Millisecond Pulsar | |
THEMIS | THermal EMission Imaging System | |
THEMIS | THermal EMission Imaging System | |
GIANT | Goddard Image Analysis and Navigation Tool | |
MFPD | Magnetic Fusion Plasma Drive | |
UPTB | Unusual Perceptual experiences, Thoughts and Beliefs | |
WXDX | FM-105.9, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania | |
SEN | Spiritual Emergence Network | |
AIC | Adult In Custody | |
MPFL | Medial PatelloFemoral Ligament | |
UPP | Unidentified Psychoid Phenomena | |
LD | Left Deltoid | |
RD | Right Deltoid | |
IOR | Inhibition Of Return | |
PDW | Post-Decision Wagering | |
IVP | Independent Voice Phenomena |