Nsingh's entries
Here's the list of entries submitted by nsingh — There are currently 17 entries total — keep up the great work!
NEACB | Not Even Ah Cuzzy Broq | |
HASAT | Haven't Attempted Sitting Another Test | |
AN | Atharv Naik | |
CT | Cullen Tran | |
EPSC | Education Perfect Science Championships | |
EPSC | Education Perfect Science Championships | |
EPEC | Education Perfect English Championships | |
EPEC | Education Perfect English Championships | |
EPMC | Education Perfect Maths Championships | |
LPWC | Language Perfect World Championships | |
LPWC | Language Perfect World Championships | |
EPHC | Education Perfect Humanities Championships | |
EPHC | Education Perfect Humanities Championships | |
EPSSC | Education Perfect Social Sciences Championships | |
EPSSC | Education Perfect Social Sciences Championships | |
LP | Language Perfect | |
EP | Education Perfect |